December of Seven Deadly Sins
Had unsafe sex with multiple people I barely knew. Boo!
Ate enough food to make me survive a three-year hunger strike. I gained 6 kilos in just three weeks without gym. Mom said to only have a little of everything. A little of everything turned out to be three platefuls.
Plus the drinking marathon after every X'mas party I attended added to my bloating calorie reserve. Amarretto, Tequila, Vodka, Beer, Gin, Rhum, Diesel, Leaded, Unleaded - I might have drunk every type of alcohol known to man.
Plus the drinking marathon after every X'mas party I attended added to my bloating calorie reserve. Amarretto, Tequila, Vodka, Beer, Gin, Rhum, Diesel, Leaded, Unleaded - I might have drunk every type of alcohol known to man.
Did not share that much of my X'mas Bonus and Salary to my family. I finally bought clothes for myself. It was not evil, till I things got out of hand. I started impulsively buying new expensive clothes for every party I went to. One of them got ripped in public (See entry before this).
Slept all day after the party last night. I think I slept all day after every party I went to. Rest, up. Dependability at work, down.
Didn't go to work. I said I was asleep. Duhr! Tsk tsk.
See entry before this.
Envied the cute couples who are gonna get laid on X'mas day. Damn, I hate seeing cute couples together. It makes me realize how miserable my life is.
Denied that something's terribly wrong with me even after my mother laid the facts on the table. I keep thinking that I am alright when I don't seem to be. I'm slowly crumbling and giving in to the weight of my own emotional baggage. When can I face the truth that I just can't be the person I'm trying to be?
No wonder I got beaten up.